Local Wind Lion Festival in Kinmen

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Local Wind Lion Festival in Kinmen

During the Autumn season, ETAs participated in the Wind Lion Festival in Shamei on Oct. 18th. Three of them learned how to make Red turtle cake and the beauty of Kinmen culture.

Rachel Udabe is very happy to be here and experience more Kinmen life.

Gerardy Uzochi Jean-Philippe II said that learning English is like marking red turtle cake, it’s ok to fail. And you keep trying, you will succeed!

Shaelyn Cavanaugh also said that there are so many wonderful things and cultures in Kinmen. She really hopes that she can stay longer to explore more beautiful in Kinmen.



Rachel 很開心能體驗到這麼多的金門生活文化;Gerardy 認為學英文就像製作紅龜粿一樣,多試幾次就會成功;Shaelyn 也表示金門真的是個富含文化的好地方,真的希望能繼續留在金門並探索更多美好的事物。

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