Teaching in Taitung


Schools Situation

Taitung schools can be cozy, charming, hectic, laid-back, tiny, big, urban, or rural. Each school has its own personality that can suit your personality.  After your arrival, you will go on a school tour to find out which one is best for you.

In Taitung, ETAs are placed in mostly elementary schools (13 in the year 2022-2023)  and a few junior high schools (3 in the year 2022-2023). Participating schools in the Taitung area fall under two categories: Type 1 are stand-alone schools, and Type 2 are paired schools. Some elementary schools are pair schools so some ETAs will teach at 2 schools. 

Most ETAs co-teach with their co-teachers(LET). About a third of the population in Taitung are aborigines, the benefits of teaching in Taitung is that you can also learn their aboriginal languages! Some schools offer 1 to 2 languages! Also, most schools offer cultural activities like planting millets, singing the tribe songs which ETAs are welcomed to join.

Type 1

Stand-alone schools will be your only workplace M-F. You may be partnered with 1 or 2 Local English Teachers (LETs) and visit classrooms for the various grade levels to deliver lessons.  

Elementary Schools

  1. 馬蘭 Ma-Lan

  2. 豐田 Feng Tian

  3. 知本 Zhi-Ben

  4. 關山 Guan-Shan

  5. 富山 Fu-Shan

  6. 溫泉 Hot Spring

  7. 福原 Fu-Yuan

Junior High Schools

  1. 關山 Guan-Shan

  2. 初鹿 Chu-Luh

  3. 卑南 Pei-Nan

Type 2

Paired schools are located near each other. ETAs partner with one LET, both of whom travel to the schools on alternating days (MWF/T TH). These schools are usually small and rural.

  1. Fu-Gang & Xin-Yuan富岡與新園

  2. Tai-Ping & Feng-Nian太平與豐年

  3. Feng-Li & Feng Yuan 豐里與豐源

  4. Nan-Wang & Guang-Ming 南王與光明

  5. Shan-he & Mei-He 三和與美和

  6. Da-Wang & Jie-Da 大王與介達

  7. Rui-Feng & Luan-Shan瑞豐與鸞山

  8. Fu-Xing & Feng-Rong 復興與豐榮

  9. Dong-Cheng & Da-Nan東成與大南 (for second-year ETA)