What is the most unforgettable memory in EMI?
Emily, EMI ETF of NCU
One of my standout EMI moments was taking part in the grand opening of the NCU Writing Center last March. By invitation of Professor Alison Liu, one of the Language Center teachers, Mike and I were given the chance to introduce our services as Fulbright x NCU EMI ETFs (such as our workshop topics and tutoring schedules). After that, we discussed our favorite books and the team’s recommended readings. For my own part, it was wonderful to speak about The Giver, which is a story I always come back to when I think about the power of reading and why it’s essential for our shared humanity; I also ran a short activity connecting The Giver with space exploration, and had the students write down their own memories to share with the future — which are now decorating one of the writing center’s walls! When I first tutored writing as an undergraduate, I never thought I would have the opportunity one day to help begin a brand new writing center at a university abroad, so this experience really felt special, and I believe it was an important moment for our team, the school administration, and students alike.
Mike, EMI ETF of NCU
The most unforgettable memory I have of EMI is all of my freshman English TAs at National Central University (NCU) in Taoyuan. The freshman English TA program at NCU is new, so I had to build the foundation for this program. I love supporting the brand-new TAs. Each TA discussion section is structured with three TAs supporting thirty students. I first observed the TAs and analyzed their discussion sections. Some TAs sat there and had students watch TV shows. Some TAs researched activities but struggled to scaffold the activities. Some already had experience and were like teachers. Seeing the variation was fascinating to me. So, I initially focused on building rapport and confidence with my TAs and began tailoring feedback. I would observe their struggles and listen to their reflections. I would then offer necessary feedback. Through their effort to improve and a little of my support, they will all have grown so much by the end of the year. Some are even graduating soon and have invited me to stop by their ceremony. The real charm of this EMI experience is the dedicated college students who balance many different challenges between life, school, and work.
Billy, EMI ETF of NTUT
For me, several memorable, hilarious, and interesting moments in EMI come from supporting a student-led English program here, called English Producers. Through this program, students are able to continue their English studies in a positive learning environment which helps them strengthen communication skills, but every Friday we do something more comprehensive and fun, like create a tier list of the most iconic fast foods here in Taiwan or build Gingerbread houses for Christmas. It may sound somewhat simple, but there were many instances where students could exercise speaking and listening skills that would mirror native English-speaking conversations, as opposed to the dialogues they are accustomed to from typical English textbooks. Moreover, this program served as a departure from the type of formulaic English they would also encounter in classes, where there also might not have been as much space to practice speaking and writing. It’s always great to see students enthusiastically attending a completely optional program, with the mindset that it’s okay to make mistakes because everyone is there to sharpen their skills together and just have some fun learning English, along with learning more about the world outside of Taiwan.