Taro Festival on Little Kinmen
【ETA掘芋頭 樂透了!】
一群在金門學校擔任英語教學助理ETA們,相招逗陣參加十四日的烈嶼芋頭季挖芋體驗活動,下田初體驗採收芋頭,大玩田園樂,感覺很新鮮,直呼過癮。 ETA很認真跟著芋農掘挖,開心挖出了芋頭,樂透了。外籍教師們興高采烈享受田園樂的初體驗,還拿著新鮮芋頭拍照留念。
Last weekend, Fulbright Kinmen ETAs went to the taro festival on Little Kinmen. This was the first time they experienced farming in Kinmen! It was hard work, but the local farmers helped them dig taro out of the ground. After digging, every ETA received a big bag of taro to take home. How exciting! The 2017-2018 ETAs were very pleased to join this local event.