Taiwan’s National Health Insurance [NHI] Medical System

The NHI can cover most generic medical matters, including medications and treatments. However, NOT ALL, like stronger painkillers or caretaker’s fee. These require your consensus also.

Here is a list on (1) how coordinators can help, (2) the two types of medical visits, and (3) how to proceed during an emergency.

  • Registration: if you’re unable to complete online

    Phone call: if you’re having trouble communicating with your doctor’s clinic or hospital

    Other information: if you’ve seen information and feel unsure if it’s correct

    Boundaries: Coordinators can help with paperwork and interpreting. However, if you need a 24/7 caretaker, the hospital can help you find a caretaker.

  • Clinic: minor illness (cold, headache, stomachache, etc.)

    Hospital: emergency or major illness (serious injury, advanced examination, persisting illness, etc.)

    Two photos below to better differentiate

  • If an emergency occurs:

    Call 119; tell your coordinator; keep all receipts (the reimbursement amount will be decided by the insurance company); and all treatments will be decided by the doctor.