In 1962, the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE) became the U.S. Education Information Center, which provides Taiwanese students with information regarding studying in the U.S. Since 2003, FSE's English Language Teaching Programs Team (ELTP) has been collaborating with the Yilan County Government in the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) project. In 2022, the partnerships extended to 13 cities and counties across Taiwan.

The ELTP Team primarily focuses on teaching English and sharing American culture with elementary and middle school students throughout Taiwan. Fulbright ETAs and FSE ETFs work alongside local Taiwanese teachers to provide native English instruction. We encourage our grantees to integrate cultural content into their curricula and provide students with opportunities to broaden their perspectives on the world. The ELTP Team is dedicated to bilingual, international teaching, and co-teaching and offers workshops and conferences on various topics for local teachers and grantees in the partner cities.

Apart from the ETA and ETF Programs, our team administers various scholarship categories (bottom):


1962年,學術交流基金會成為美國教育中心,提供台灣學生留學美國的資訊。2003年開始,基金會與宜蘭縣政府合作傅爾布萊特英語教學助理計畫(ETA Program)招募8位美籍英語教學助理,自今,我們已將計畫推行至臺灣13個縣市,共有接近200位美國籍得獎學人在臺灣中、小學服務。

學術交流基金會英語教學計畫團隊致力於在台灣中小學的英語教學及美國文化分享,獲獎的學人們與台灣教師合作教學,並以英語母語人士的角度提供教學協助。我們支持也鼓勵獲獎的學人們可以將文化內容融入教學課程中,提供學生們拓展國際視野的機會。ELTP Team也深耕雙語教育、國際教育及協同教學,在計畫城市舉辦各式主題的教學工作坊和交流論壇。

除了ETA、ETF 計畫,學術交流基金會英語教學計畫團隊也執行了多元的獎學金獎項:

English Teaching Assistants Awards
The Fulbright ETA (English Teaching Assitant)
FSE x MOE ETF & ETF+ (English Teaching Flagship)
EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction Assitant)

Teacher Advisor Scholarship Awards
TEFL Advisor
EMI Advisor
Cross-cultural advisor

Foreign students in Taiwan
ELTA (English Language Teaching Assistant-Southern Taiwan)


FSE Fulbright Taiwan’s ETA Program 20th Anniversary!