What are Yunlin ETAs doing in August?


Camps - Speaking English and having fun 


Our current Fulbright Grantees started their intensive training in August. This year is the Yunlin ETA’s, Brendon and Amica, second service year in Taiwan. They are experienced ETAs, so the training was focused on more meaningful teaching practice. They organized three English camps and one storytelling session. The storytelling was designed for younger children-two camps for elementary students and one for junior high students. The principles for the camps were speaking English and having fun for the students. During this year in Taiwan, they are also expected to explore Taiwanese culture more and improve their Chinese proficiency.

協同教學助理們在八月開始一連串的密集訓練。今年是雲林區的協同教學助理 Brendon和 Amica 在台灣服務的第二年。這次訓練主要在加強於實際的教學活動;他們為年幼的小朋友設計了一場說英語故事,二場對國小學生及一場為國中學生所設計的英語營。這英語營的主要宗旨是讓學生在快樂的情境中學習及鼓勵學生說英文。在這新的一年,他們期待能體驗更多的台灣文化,同時也讓他們的中文更加的流利。

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Have fun in exercise 運動學英文

Practicing the words “pass”, “block” “shoot” for basketball, and “ kick”, “hit” “throw” for martial arts for junior high students.


國術的“踢、“技擊”及 “甩”。

Let’s speak and act


The camp wasn’t only to improve students’ oral skills but also to train them to speak English with correct pronunciation. Particularly, it focused on the sounds which are difficult for students, such as /r/, /æ/ and /θ/. The acting helped students speak and perform more confidently in public. Each of them was assigned a role in the movie Zootopia. Initially, the students acted awkwardly, but, gaining confidence, they began to perform like professionals!

國小英語營除了加強小朋友的口說能力外,還加強幾個不好發音的音來練習,如/r/, /æ/ and /θ/,來讓小朋友的發音更標準。這活動同時搭配電影動物方程式,每個小朋友分別分配一個角色來演出,讓小朋友們在公共場合中的演說或表演更有自信。在一開始的時候小朋友表現有些羞澀,但很快的每個人表演得像是專業演員一樣。


Here is a local news item featuring ours ETAs participating in a calligraphy class. 



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What are Taichung ETAs doing in August?


What are Changhua ETAs doing in August?