What are Changhua ETAs doing in August?
Chinese Ink painting class 水墨畫課程
When the ETAs arrived in Changhua in August, we planned several cultural events in addition to the online teaching workshops. First, we visited the Taiwanese Creative Park in the Baguashan District of Changhua County, where we learned about the origins and basic pronunciations of Taiwnese, and appreciated both the crosstalk comic dialogue in Taiwanese and the importance of popularizing the language! Later, we went to the famous Tianzhong Kiln and Art Workshop where we experienced throwing pottery. Under the master potter’s dextrous hands, each of our creations become beautiful household items--vases, cups, bowls, and more. We also planned a Chinese ink painting class. With the teacher’s guidance, we practiced using ink wash brushwork techniques to gradually create traditional floral paintings. We hope that, as ETAs and American cultural ambassadors, understanding more about the local culture will allow them to merge this knowledge with their own backgrounds and thereby make better lessons for their students.
ETA八月來到彰化,除了教學相關的線上課程外,我們更安排了許多在地文化活動。首先,我們參訪了設置在彰化八卦山區域的台語文創意園區、並學習台語的淵源以及基本發音概念、欣賞台語相聲以及推廣台語的重要性! 另外,我們也來著名的田中窯藝坊體驗手拉坏,在專業師傅的巧手下,我們的作品皆成為漂亮的器皿; 我們也安排了水墨畫課程,在水墨畫老師的帶領下,我們練習運用水墨化的筆觸技巧畫出徐徐如生的花卉畫。身為ETA的美國大使任務中,我們希望讓ETA再對當地文化了解下將本國文化融合運用至創意教學上。
DIY pottery 陶藝
Taiwanese matching games 台語遊戲
Chinese Ink painting class 水墨畫課程