Teaching in Yunlin

School Overview

ETAs and ETFs typically teach at 2 schools, which can be two elementary schools, two junior high schools or a combination of both.  Class sizes vary by school; some schools have an average of 15 students per class, while central schools may have up to 20 students.

Teaching content usually follows English text books while ETAs and ETFs can integrate culture exchange session. Additionally, some schools add other subjects like life skills, activities, Physical education (PE) and so on. 

Schools and Teaching Related Questions

1. If I serve in two schools, how do I share my time in a week between two schools?

You will spend at one school for two days and at the other school for three days in a week. The exact schedule and number of days at each school will be determined through negotiation between the two schools. 

2. What are my working hours? 

The standard school day is 7 hours typically from 8 am to 4 pm with a one-hour lunch break. However, schools may adjust your start and end time based on their needs. 

3. How important is Chinese proficiency in class?

Chinese should be as a supportive tool rather than the primary language of instruction. In Yunlin, we encourage using only English in classroom to create an immersive learning environment. To achieve this, we encourage designing activities that actively engage students in using English. Overusing Chinese in the classroom may reduce opportunities for students to practice and develop their English skills effectively. 

4. Do you co-teach or do you teach more independently? What are the pros/cons of this type of teaching? 

All of the ETAs are required to co-teaching. This means that lesson planning with your co-teacher (a local English teacher, LET) and teaching are collaborative. Co-teaching requires cooperation and compromise between both the ETA and LET. Co-teaching allows there to be a better student-to teacher ratio; and, since most ETAs have limited previous teaching experience, working with an LET is a great introduce to teaching EFL(English as a Foreign Language ) in Taiwan. Your co-teacher has more familiarity with the course materials and with students. On the other hand, as an ETA you will bring American cultural knowledge and native fluency to help foster a more authentic language learning environment. 

As mentioned above; compromise is a huge component of co-teaching. You may not always be able to accomplish everything you would like to; your LET may believe that there isn’t enough time for every activity that you want to try; and it takes time to build rapport with your co-teacher and your students. However, when conflicts, misunderstandings and miscommunications arise, you should not take it personality. It is not necessarily a reflection of your own or your LET’s teaching ability. Co-teaching requires patience and practice and is part of the cultural exchange you’ll experience during your time in Taiwan. 

Role Overview

15 elementary schools and 4 junior high schools 

  • 1 ETA/ETF assists 2 schools

  • Grade 3 to 9

  • The average class size is 20 students 

  • Student proficiency is extremely varied 

Basically, ETFs and ETAs go to two schools, the combination can be 2 elementary schools, 2 junior high schools or one of each. Teaching grades from 3 to 9 however, some schools might require you to teach grade 1 and 2. The average class size is about 20. 

Teaching content usually follows English text books while ETFs and ETAs can integrate culture exchange sessions. Some schools add other subjects such as life skills, activities and so on. 

Students’ English proficiency is extremely varied. Some students who go to cram schools have a very high English level while some do not.


School Life


  • Students take school supplies very seriously in Taiwan

    For some reason, Taiwanese students love their stationery and school supplies. Be warned that students will play with anything inside their pencil cases during class. From erasers to pens to even their personal name stamps and small cutting knives, they have everything in their arsenal. Because they love their school supplies, they will also be reluctant to share with their classmates.

    Discuss with your co-teacher about how to remove distractions during your lessons.

  • Competition is everywhere

    Taiwanese students are very familiar with the concept of competition. Many of them participate in Reader's Theater competitions, English song competitions, and even English speech competitions! It would not be unusual to see at least one instance of competition among students during classroom activities. Competition can be used as a method for getting students to participate in class.
    Try tying friendly competition to your incentive system, either among classes in a particular grade or among table groups in a single class.

  • Students attend additional classes after school

    Many students attend cram school (known as 補習班 bǔxí bān) after regular school hours. The amount of time they spend at cram school and the quality of instruction they receive there is highly dependent on how much their parents are willing to spend. This ultimately creates a classroom divide between advanced students and the average student, making teaching difficult.
    Consider differentiating activities and breaking students into groups.


  • People will stare at foreigners. Whether it is an old Taiwanese man on the street or a little girl on the MRT, you're bound to hear "外國人,外國人! Wàiguó rén, wàiguó rén!" (foreigner). These people perceive those who don't appear Asian as exotic. Because Taiwan has a fairly homogeneous population, many Taiwanese people have not been exposed to people from different racial/ethnic groups. This is especially the case in rural areas of Taiwan.

    One of your roles as an ETA is to be a cultural ambassador. Maintain a sense of understanding and openness. The fact that not all Americans look alike can also be a cultural lesson to impart to students and community members.

  • “Fat” is not as negative in Taiwan as it is in the U.S. Instead, "fat” is often used as a harmless descriptor, sometimes even as a term of endearment. You may hear someone’s nickname being “小胖子" xiǎo pàngzi (“little fatty” or “chubby”). The Taiwanese aren’t as sensitive to it, although you may be taken aback hearing it used so casually.

    Try not to take being called "fat" personally. Taiwanese people do not intend to be rude or malicious when using the word. In classroom settings, let students know "fat" has different connotations in other cultures. 

  • In Taiwan, getting a tan is undesirable. On the contrary, Taiwanese people prefer to avoid tanning by wearing long sleeves and pants to limit their sun exposure when outdoors. Umbrellas with UV protection are also very common in Taiwan.

    If you don’t want to go to these extremes, keep your sunscreen handy.



  • Taiwanese language 台語 tái yǔ

    Schools across Taiwan, particularly those in the south, now encourage the younger generations to learn Taiwanese. Children take Taiwanese class in as early as the third grade. Their parents and older relatives often speak in Taiwanese. As a foreigner, knowing Mandarin will be surprising to the locals, but if you really want to give them a shock, speak to them in Taiwanese! Be warned; with more tones and sounds, Taiwanese is more difficult to learn than Mandarin.

    Ask your students to teach you a word every now and then. Who can say no to free Taiwanese lessons?

  • Though common in malls and large cities, Western sit-down toilets are not always the norm in Taiwan. Instead, "squat toilets" (or "squatty potties") are ubiquitous in schools and other public places. Moreover, these bathrooms may not supply any toilet paper or soap, so you’ll need to provide your own. 

    Always carry tissues and hand sanitizer for sanitary reasons.