Teaching in Penghu
School Types
There are 51 schools on Penghu Island, including 35 elementary schools, 13 junior highs, 1 high school, 1 vocational school, and 1 university.
Roles of ETAs
English Teaching Assistants (ETAs) serve as cultural ambassadors while teaching English.
Co-Teaching Schools
ETAs mainly work in elementary and junior high schools. These schools are generally medium to small in size, and each ETA typically teaches at two schools.
Co-Teaching Subjects
ETAs co-teach English with Local English Teachers (LETs) for about half their classes. They also co-teach other subjects with various subject teachers.
Class Size
The average class size ranges from 10 to 15 students, but there are also classes with as few as 5-10 students or as many as 20-30.
Questions to Consider
Do you co-teach or do you teach more independently? What are the pros/cons of this type of teaching? What is the role of Chinese in the English classroom? What can I contribute to the class?
Misc. English Projects
English village, bus, camp, club, etc.
Feng-Gui Elementary
He-Heng Elementary
Zhong-Tun Elementary
Jiang-Mei Elementary
Long-Men Elementary
Ma-Gong Elementary
Peng-Nan Jr. High
Sha-Gang Elementary
Ai-men Elementary
Shi-Quan Elementary
Zhi-Qing Jr. High
Chung Hsing Elementary
Wen-Ao Elementary
Makung Jr. High
Xing-Ren Elementary
Zhong-Zheng Jr. High