Teaching in Taoyuan

Freshmen TA Observation, Training & Feedback

ETFs will join the Freshmen English Night Courses 1-2 hrs from Monday through Thursday. The class size consists of 25-30 freshmen students. Basically, ETFs will observe and support the TAs in the class and give training workshops and feedback sessions to them to provide them some hands-on support for their classes.

Writing Center

ETFs will provide writing workshops, Cultural Corners, English placement test guidance, and student English support services such as consultations or tutoring here.

Mini Course/Presentation/Talks on Topics/Judging Support

ETFs will collaborate with other colleges at the university to develop mini-courses such as Effective Written Communication for Engineers or Public Speaking and Presentation Skills, as well as presentations such as Secrets to English Language Learning or Overcoming Anxiety in Language Learning.

ETFs will also assist with Talks on Topics and judge the English-related presentation competitions.

Other Activities

When the school's activities require assistance, our team will do what we can.