Teaching in Taichung
ETAs/ETFs in Taichung teach exclusively in elementary schools (7 to 12-year-old).
The co-schools are spread across the city, ranging from coastal areas to foothill regions and city centers. The 17 co-schools vary in size: six large schools (with more than 45 classes), six medium-sized schools (25–45 classes), and five small schools (24 or fewer classes). Class sizes typically average around 26 students. Some students attend cram schools after regular school hours, which can lead to varying English proficiency levels within a single class.
Most ETAs/ETFs assist co-teachers in English classes, but some schools also involve ETAs/ETFs in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) classes for subjects such as life sciences, music, or art. Additionally, activities like storytelling sessions, school clubs, culture sharing, or monthly English Day events provide opportunities for ETAs/ETFs to engage with more students outside of regular classes.
English Camps
On most Tuesdays, Taichung ETAs/ETFs are made into a few teams to execute English camps around Taichung city. ETAs and ETFs plan the activities for a whole day/half-day class for the students from the host schools. The topics could be various and creative; we had seasons, habitats, flowers, and carnivals. In the spring, all Taichung ETAs will have a chance to do a 3-days remote service in the schools in Lishan (2,000 meters high), Heping district.
English Van
With the English van and a LET (local English teacher), ETAs/ETFs will travel to many schools in Taichung and host a 2-hour event. In the two hours, you might introduce the night market food in English, make pancakes or jelly sandwiches, and have many fun activities with the students.
Host Family
ETAs are not only teachers in the schools but also cultural ambassadors. The Taichung City government started pairing host families with ETAs in 2017. With hospitable family members, you will experience more of the local lifestyle. Although grantees won’t live with the host family, they can still create many cherished memories with them during weekends and holidays.
Community service
ETAs could choose the topics they are interested in to serve the local community, at the same time, it is also a good chance to get to know the local culture and people.
Photos & information from Alumni:
Ida Sobotik’s blog (2015-16 ShangShih Elementary School)
Matthew Friedland’s vlog (2015-16 Taiping Elementary School)
Matthew Baker’s vlog (2015-16 Gifeng Elementary School)
Sara Goldstein’s blog (2015-2016 Chongqing Elementary School)
Sheridan Baker’s vlog (2015-16 JyunGong Elementary School )
Abigail Gruppuso’s Instagram #maitaiwan (2016-17 ShangShih Elementary School)
Abigail Holst’s blog (2016-17 HuLuDun/FuChuen Elementary School)
Instagram #taichungetas (2019-2020 ETAs)